Janine DeTillio Cammarata

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Day 20: Declutter & Clearify

When we built this house, I knew I wanted a space for my books: college, medieval, fantasy, romance, memoir, non-fiction, historical, antique, children’s, holiday, and young adult.

My husband built the bookshelves that lovingly hold my chaotic yet organized collection. When I sit in my cozy brown chair with my dogs sprawled on the floor next to me, I drink my tea, and peruse the titles on the shelves. There are many stories in addition to the ones in the books.

Nick and Stephen’s childhood books are on the two left shelves. My fiction is alphabetized by author and sprinkled with bookends, medieval figurines, special stones, seashells, my dad’s model car, and photos. Nonfiction, memoir, scrapbooks, and yearbooks are on the right shelf, along with my college literature books. 

Set in the middle piled in stacks is my ‘To Be Read’ list. It may look messy but to me it’s shelf love.

When I think about decluttering or downsizing my books, I get a hitch in my chest. I did recently donate 12 shopping bags.

Isn’t that enough?!

I admit I haven’t looked at my college books in years. My tastes have changed, and there are so many new wonderful authors to read.

Plus, we have libraries as a convenient resource. You can borrow physical books, e-books, audiobooks, magazines, movies, learn a language, take classes, and donate your books. My books always go to the local library’s used book sale or to the librarian if I have a special series/collection.

So this is the next step. It’s a heavy one, so I focused on my end table. I had so many books and magazines on it, there was no space for my cup of tea! Now there is and the sorting begins! I think those college textbooks will be the first to find a new home.