Janine DeTillio Cammarata

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Happy World Book Day!

Today is World Book Day. It absolutely needs to be World Books Day because there are so many incredible books written by talented authors.

It made me think about the books that have been my favorite or most impactful. It’s close to impossible since so many books have impacted my life. I expanded it to include authors since there are some who I’ve read everything they’ve written. This is by no means an exhaustive list but I narrowed it to seven.

Maya Angelou–Any and all of her books. They taught me how to express grief through words and weave hope through my sorrow. I had the pleasure of seeing her recite her poetry when I was in grad school. I knew it was one of those pivotal and once in a lifetime moments. 

Marion Zimmer Bradley—The Mists of Avalon. I studied Medieval and Celtic literature in college and although I fell in love with the Arthurian legends, there wasn’t much room for strong and empowered women in that time period. Bradley reimagined the legends from a female perspective. It opened doors to my literary career as I wrote my first fiction book based on the Celtic matriarchal society in Ireland.

Garth Stein–The Art of Racing in the Rain. I listened to this book a couple years after I lost my 13-year-old son, Nick. I was lost and floundering, living between the death of one child and the life of my other son. The words of Enzo, the dog who is the main character of the story spoke to me. The phrase, “What you manifest is before you,” made me realize that to live was my choice and I had to create a life with both my sons in a new way. 

Elizabeth Acevedo-With the Fire on High is probably one of my top most favorite books and listening to Acevedo read it just added to the joy. But then there’s Clap When you Land and Inheritance, The Poet X, Family Lore. They’re all beautifully written. Her melodic voice, depth of character, creative and heart wrenching depictions of people and cultures that need to be heard is very much appreciated. 

Nora Roberts–I love her series and connected books. She taught me so much about character building, connecting series, and reading for the sheer pleasure of it. That books can entertain, inform, and transform all at once. Love is stronger than anything else placed in our path.

Clarissa Pinkola Estés, Ph.D.--Women Who Run with the Wolves. She taught me to be wild and influenced the authors I read and stories I embraced. I learned to listen to that free spirit inside of me.

Thomas Rockwell–How to Eat Fried Worms. One of my earliest memories of reading was sitting in a tree in the yard of my childhood home reading this book. I would sit for hours on a branch absorbing books and the nature around me. I felt completely myself as I flew into the world of books and connected with the characters. They fueled my imagination and absolutely influenced my career as a writer. 

For me, books inform, entertain, heal, and transform.

Sometimes one at a time; sometimes all at once. I believe that books come into our lives when the time is right or we need them most. 

I’ll read multiple books at once and still love to purchase or borrow a hardcover book and hold it in my hands. E-books are great for travel, and I’ll listen to a book as well. I keep the topics and genres different to suit my mood and not confuse my brain!

My mother absolutely influenced my love of reading as did a family friend. Growing up, my mom read Agatha Christie, Phyllis A Whitney, and Victoria Holt. She read to us as children and I transferred that love of reading to my children. 

My mother reading to me and my siblings. I’m wearing glasses at the end next to my older sister.

Every day. Multiple times a day I read to my boys or wove stories for them as I rocked them to sleep. Books were part of every gift and their bookshelves burst to overflowing just as mine does. Trips to the library, story time. Life revolved around books. 

Nick (left) and Stephen (right) at reading time.

Calvin & Hobbes were some of their favorites!

I’ve read many books more than once as I’ve changed and so receive something new from them. However, there are so many books on my To Be Read list that I’ll never get to them if I reread others!

Currently, I’m reading Between Two Kingdoms by Suleika Jaouad. It hits home for me and reminds me of Maya Angelou’s expression of pain and grief through words but lacing it with hope and inspiration. 

I’m listening to Alex & Eliza by Melissa de la Cruz and Love Ad Lib by Evie Alexander.

I included some prompts that may spark some favorites for you. Our books tell so much about who we are, what we’re caring for, and where we are in our lives. Tracking them in your journal is a way to time stamp your life. That’s another post. 

I’m always looking for book recommendations so feel free to add what you’re currently reading or your list of top 5-10 in the comments!

Happy Reading on World Book Day!