Janine DeTillio Cammarata

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May I…

Quote from Pinterest @desireesher

This quote reminded me of the childhood game, Mother May I? It’s where someone is chosen to be the mother and two or more people ask permission to move forward in order to get to Mother first. Mother either gives permission or says no and offers another move like: take two spinning steps. 

I remember it being a fun game, but thinking of it now makes me realize just how much power Mother had over the people playing. Hopefully, Mother would offer playful alternatives and no one was too upset at losing. 

Quotes and the memories they bring up are juicy inspirations for journal writing.

This particular quote had me writing about how we don’t need to ask permission for anything outside of ourselves. Permission to dance, sing, have a fabulous day, follow our dreams, rest, nourish our bodies, love ourselves, or give our bodies, minds and spirits what we need–are up to us. 

Of course, outside influences, social discourses, customs, inequalities all affect what we feel or have permission to do. Yet can we give ourselves permission to set intentions and claim affirmations that give us whatever we need on an internal level?

In order to do this, I like to pause in the morning, Check-in with how I’m feeling, and review what needs to be done for the day. Then I set Intentions based on how I want to show up for myself first and then for others. 

Here are some journal prompts to spark those Intentions:

  • What are you looking forward to in your day?

  • What do you want to bring into your day?

  • How will you show up in mind, heart, and action for yourself first and then for others?

In connection to the quote featured, I offer these prompts:

  • What are you caring for?

  • What are you excited about?

  • What do you need more of?

  • What do you need less of?

  • Related to your intentions, what affirmations will reaffirm what will lift you up, spark creativity, love, joy, whatever it is that’s calling to you? 

  • Begin with the phrase:

    • May I….

Affirmations are our internal mothers giving us permission to give ourselves whatever it is we need. 

If you feel called to do so, share your affirmation with our community. It may resonate with someone who also needs to hear it.

May your affirmations ring true to you!