Janine DeTillio Cammarata

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Songs in my Head

This morning I woke up to these words playing in my head from the 1978 song Sweet Life by Paul Davis.


“We’re living such a sweet life, oh what a neat life

Sharing my love with you

Oh, we’re living such a sweet life, oh what a neat life

Making our dreams come true.

We’re makin our dreams come true.”

The other words are about a couple welcoming a baby, wanting a large home, and having money. Being poor and living in a shack don’t matter because they have each other.

Songs always pop in my head whether in my dreams, while driving, riding my motorcycle, or walking my dog.

Or a song will play and it reminds me of a memory or motivates me to drop everything and dance. Music is magical and guides me every day.

I felt happy and positive waking up to this song. It reminded me of the 35 years that I’ve been with my husband; of all the sweet times we’ve had.

It inspired my intention for the day to connect with my husband in a way that shows love and sweetness. It can be as simple as telling him I love him or being curious about his day. The line ‘makin our dreams come true,’ makes also wonder what our dreams are right now. They have certainly changed over the years as we have. 

Music is feeling. Feelings generate thoughts. Thoughts impact our day. I’m keeping mine positive.


What song is in your head right now?

What was the first song you heard today?

What do the words mean to you?

How can they guide your intention and actions today?