Gain Clarity Through Journaling (Part 2)
This is the second of a 5-part series inspired by the many paths I walk.
Click Here if you want to read or listen to Part 1 on How to Follow the Path That Reflects Who You Are.
Let's do a Check-In before we get started. Part 1 of gaining clarity through journaling is about becoming aware of how you're feeling, what your mood is at that moment, and possibly follow the path as to why.
How are you doing right now?
Wherever you're at, take note.
In Part 2 we’ll get into the details. There are many reasons why you might want to write about your day.
To notice how it affects your mood.
Record memories of moments that matter.
To dissect a particular conversation or experience.
To understand the use of your time.
To track what's working for you.
To clarify decisions.
To reflect on why you do what you do.
To be curious as to what really matters and is a priority for you.
To become more present.
This part is about noting where you are, what you're doing, when, why, how.
You’re a reporter just stating the facts of your day.
For me, journaling has been a slow revealing of how I spend my time. I run my own company and work from home. I must be motivated and disciplined with my time. I write in my journal throughout the day to note if my actions are aligned with my intentions. If they aren’t, then I may need to go deeper and ask why. But that's another part.
Right now we're just stating the facts.
When I do a weekly review, I might note a certain point in the day where I'm floundering. I'll reflect and adjust. But if I hadn't journaled my day, I wouldn't know or have the details to reflect upon.
My husband and I recently went to the Adirondack Car Show in Lake George, New York. I wrote about the cars, which ones we liked, where we ate, the weather, and what we did that night, what we laughed about. I want to remember this lovely moment.
My favorite VW at the car show. (photo by author)
How does journaling this day with my hubby help me gain clarity? We were both happy and enjoyed our time together. I smile reliving the day. It clarifies how much I love my husband of 33 years and wish to do more fun outings with him.
Perhaps in my journal I would write a list of the things that I want to do with my husband that bring me joy. But that's another article!
Part 1 of Gaining Clarity Through Journaling is Checking In. Feel Free to continue to do this.
Part 2: Record Your Day; Just the Facts
Whether in bullets, drawings, or complete sentences, write about your day.
Record your day:
Date, Day of the week, Time of day
What did you do?
Where did you go?
May want to record locations, places.
Who was with you?
What is their relationship with you?
May want to include full names if want more detail.
When did this happen?
How did this moment come about?
What did you eat?
What did you wear?
How did you get there?
Was there anything significant about these moments in your day?
What else do you want to remember about your day?
Over the next two weeks record as much as you like. It's not meant to be a full manuscript of daily musings, but it'll give you something to reflect upon in Part 3.
Let’s Connect: Always happy to hear from you. Feel free to share stories or how this resonates. All thoughts are welcome!