Gaining Clarity Through Journaling (Part 4)

This is the fourth of a 5-part series inspired by the many paths I walk.

Sun shining over mountains

Moxham Mountain in the Adirondacks (Photo by Ashley Willis)

Part 1 of Gaining Clarity Through Journaling is Checking In

Part 2 of Gaining Clarity Through Journaling is Recording Your Path

Part 3 of Gaining Clarity Through Journaling is Clear Your Path

If you’re just finding Part 4, you may want to go back and journal the prompts from the last three parts. Of course you can begin exactly where you are, but they do build on one another. 

How were your last two weeks? We transitioned into Fall and that often shifts our perspective and how we spend our time. 

The last week of September continued that clearing out for me. In addition, I had to surrender to life circumstances beyond my control and shift my focus to family. Having cleared and nurtured, I was able to spend a week at my friend’s beautiful home in Florida. 

My thoughts go out to those who are struggling to recover from the devastating damage of Hurricane Helene and hold those in my heart who are in the path of the next hurricane.

I was able to rest, rejuvenate, move my body, and connect with my two of my besties who now live in Florida. Bringing home that warm, lighthearted energy flows right into Part 4 of Gaining Clarity Through Journaling: Imagine the Possibilities

Every year I ask myself: “What is possible during this time of year that is equally filled with joy and sadness for me?” 

October is my favorite month. It’s my birthday month. My two sons were born as were five other members of my family and numerous close friends. It’s the most beautiful time of the year. But it’s also when I lost my oldest son. 

October throws me off as much as it lifts me up. 

When I imagine the possibilities of the month, I think of my week out of town and what stood out the most. 

Community: Spend time with those who lift me up, make me laugh, understand my shift in moods. Sit in silence and feel the loving energy of my son. 

Rest: Listen to my body and don’t push through the sadness. Rather flow with it as I ease through the month. Read, Draw. Watch the clouds float by and feel the cool breeze brush my face. 

Move: Walk and watch the colorful leaves fall from the trees that find it natural to let go and begin again. Ride my motorcycle to mountain tops and bask in the gorgeous scenery.

All three possibilities are about CONNECTION.

Connection to my body, soul, and people. 

I imagine an October of enjoying time with those I love, moving in synchronicity with my body and emotions, and breathing deep in rest. 

It’s possible to open that space to simply BE in October. 

I feel a sense of relief and joy because I have removed most of what has been getting in the way. Just as more leaves will continue to fall, there will be more to clear. But that’s Part 5. 

Look back at your last two weeks. You can always go back to Parts 1, 2 and 3 and begin today and come back to this. 

The following prompts are offerings. Choose one or all that serves you best.

Part 4: Imagine the Possibilities

What made you soar in happiness, got your blood pumping, made you feel as excited as a child with a mouth full of cotton candy and ready to go on the next roller coaster?

Thicken that moment by journaling all the details. 

Cement the memory with sensory descriptions. 

  • What did you see?

  • What did you smell?

  • What did you taste?

  • What did you touch?

  • What did you hear?

  • Who was with you?

  • What did you feel?

  • Where did you feel it in your body?

  • What do you wish to repeat about this moment?

  • What is now possible when you go deeper and imagine these feelings and emotions in other areas of your life?

  • What story are you imagining?

  • Who is walking this path with you?

  • What paths intersect?

  • What do you need right now?

  • What is calling to you?

When you imagine it, it’s already possible!

Part 5 is about keeping your path clear so all your possibilities are available to you. 

Let’s Connect: Always happy to hear from you. Feel free to share stories or how this resonates. All thoughts are welcome!


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