Post-COVID Check-in and Firsts
As our lives begin to open up to what we used to do before the pandemic, I have found the need to check in with myself on my comfort levels. It’s impossible to turn a switch on or off and say that things are back to normal. From my experience, life can never be normal but there can be a “new” way of being.
Depending on how fast changes are coming, I’ll sit with my journal and write through some COVID prompts on a daily or weekly basis. This can be done with any situation but making it specific brings clarity to how I feel, what I want to prioritize, and what is a hard no at this time. Feel free to use these prompts as access points for you to get back into the swing of your life.
COVID Check-in
● Write two words that express how you feel about COVID in this moment.
● Based on the latest CDC guidelines, what are you comfortable doing once again?
● Who are you comfortable being with?
● What is opening up for you emotionally?
● What are you still concerned about?
● What can you do to address those concerns? Journaling could help you be clear on the language you want to use when you explain to someone that you’re not ready to do something or see someone.
Post-COVID Firsts
A year ago my journal was filled with what had been taken away from me, my family, friends, and the world. It was a scary time where our lives shrunk to the space that we lived in. Now that we’re able to do more, why not fill our journals and memories with memories of venturing back to places we’ve missed and doing things that used to bring us joy.
During my last journaling workshop, Sarah mentioned that she wore her bracelet now that she was back to work. Simple acts like wearing jewelry is a sign that we’re on the right track.
Another participant noted one of her firsts by placing pictures of the event in her journal and writing about it.
One of the my firsts was attending a yoga class in person at Baptiste Power Yoga Capital District. I waited for my bestie, Karen, to visit from Florida. It made sense since yoga has been a huge part of our lives. That moment was captured as our teacher, Jessica Padula, took a photo of me and Karen placing our stars on the wall. It marked our return to the studio and is a spot for us to focus on when we’re in those challenging poses. I’ve made a list of Firsts that I want to get back to.
● What are your Post-COVID Firsts?
● What is something that you’ve done recently that you haven’t been able to do in the past year?
● How was it? How did you feel?
● Who were you with?
● Where did you go?
● What did you do? Use sensory and physically descriptive details to enhance and enrich the memories!
No matter how you feel or what you’re ready to do, having the proper language and feeling comfortable sharing where you are with COVID reduces stress. Continue to check in with yourself and ask for support if needed.