Pathways of Connection

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Transitions and Intentions

I love this prayer, affirmation, intention that Kelly M. Ballard of Reflective Harmony recently posted. I highly recommend her manifestation and Law of Attraction workshops. They have changed my life.

This quote fuels me because as I’m clearing and digging into my creative soil, I keep finding what no longer serves me, what’s gets in the way of planting what I desire to grow during this season of possibility. 

I pull seeds of doubt, rocks of not good enough, weeds of worry that my dreams won’t be seen or brought into fruition. These thoughts feel moldy like overwatered, rotted plants and they need to be removed. 

As I think these thoughts, my heart, body and soul rebel. These are not the thoughts of my spring, of my season of transition. These are the thoughts of a cold, dark winter. 

I step into the sunlight and open my heart to its warmth, letting the ice of winter thaw so that my dreams and visions are filled with new life. I choose to cross the threshold of growth, self-love, and positive thinking.

When I imagine this transition of myself, my business, my writing, my way of being, I see that crocus popping up through the dirt, doing everything possible to grow toward the light. I am that flower opening up to be seen. I am that new fledgling screeching to be heard. I am the child embraced in full acceptance of herself as she was and as she is right now. 

Through words, I have shifted my energy. I am relieved that I have crossed the threshold into a new beginning. I revel in the light of rebirth. For each day, each minute, each moment is a new beginning. I only need to choose and soak that decision in like it’s my sunlight and nourishment. 

This spring I transition into the vibrant goddess who has lay dormant for seasons upon seasons waiting for her launch into the world just as she is. 

She is loved.

She is authentic. 

She is brilliant. 

She is seen. 

She is heard.

She is lighthearted. 

She is All of Me.

  • How does this quote call to you?

  • What does it inspire you to remove in order to grow?

  • How do you desire to be seen and heard?

  • How and in what way can you fully embrace and accept who you are growing into right now?

  • How are you thawing the winter from your heart?

  • How will you step into the warmth and wonder of Spring?