Pathways of Connection

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Becoming a Godmother

I became an aunt for the 3rd and 4th time on October 4. When my husband and I were asked to be godparents to the firstborn (by 4 minutes), we were thrilled.

Becoming his godparent meant a lot to me since we also became both boys’ guardians. I took these roles quite seriously by seeing them often and celebrating their milestones.

Luke and I didn’t have children or a lot of experience with babies. When the twins were small, Anthony fell and knocked out his two front teeth! His parents and my parents rushed him to the hospital and handed us Alex!

What?! Oh yeah! Godparents. Guardians. Time to take on that responsibility. Alex was a bit concerned wondering where his parents and brother were but we kept him occupied. I bounced him around, talked gibberish, sang, and danced.

Everyone survived the scary experience. I’m grateful their parents trusted us with these roles and their precious babies.

Happy Birthday, Alex & Anthony!