Celebrating Love
6 years ago today, my nephew Sal married this love, Mishelle. When I first found out that their wedding was on Nick’s birthday, I wondered how I would make space for this joy when I was surrounded by feeling my loss and what if’s. My child wasn’t here. He’d miss out. There was this huge gap.
Before we went into the reception, Luke toasted Nick’s birthday while our family held space for celebration and sadness all in one moment.
Acknowledging my son’s birthday, anniversary of his passing and sending love means so much to a grieving person—at least to me.
Along the wall of the reception were photos of Nick, my dad, and others who were no longer with us. Sal and Mishelle lovingly brought everyone together into this loving space.
Celebration sparked brighter than sadness when the lovely couple twirled into their first dance.
By celebrating their love on Nick’s birthday, they taught me that even though we can hold love and loss in the same moment, LOVE always, always wins.