Day 7: Declutter & Clearify
The Mystery box: For the last three years, this box has been moved from my bedroom to the spare room and back. Why is it so hard to go through things and get rid of it? Oh yeah-the emotional connections.
We had painted our bedroom and purchased new furniture. I was excited to have a new dresser with a mirror and no clutter. When I looked at everything that was piled on top of my old one, I panicked and threw it all in a box.
This was not a 10 or 15-minute box. It’s a collection of childhood knickknacks, my children’s treasure chests to me, bracelets from Nick’s Fight and other children battling cancer, religious items from my Yaya, and jewelry I thought I had given away.
Finding the various stone earrings brought me joy because every time I searched in my jewelry box, I missed my long silver ones that glittered with the earth’s jewels.
Earrings from Americade and my faux diamond/pearls from my wedding day.
Luke and I have been going to the Americade Motorcycle Rally in Lake George since 1988. (We were both there in ’88 but hadn’t met yet.) Another story! Every year I’d visit a local jewelry who had a booth at the event. I’d purchase a pair of dangling earrings that showed up in my long dark hair.
When I saw these earrings again, I felt a connection to who I am. That carefree gal who wore big jewelry, crystals, and stones. I’ve always been connected to stones, and they have come back into my life now that I’ve become a Reiki practitioner.
I also found this bracelet I bought at Americade. It’s made of the phases of the moon when my husband, boys, and I were born. I was born in the first quarter.This bracelet reminds me of the unbreakable link my family shares. That no matter where we are, we are connected by love.
I’m wearing this bracelet today and some dangling earrings to remind myself to be playful and not take this decluttering too seriously.
The interesting part of this clearing out through stories is that I have no idea what memories are going to pop up but I’m grateful for them.
Clearing, organizing, and tell the stories from this box of treasures will take a few days. I’ll give myself the time to honor my past in order to move forward.
What’s your favorite piece of jewelry?
Where did you get it?
What does it say about you?