Day 9: Declutter & Clearify
There’s something about handwritten notes that make me smile and feel warm inside. It may be why I kept every card given to me since the 7th grade. Now don’t worry. I released those boxes of cards a few years ago—keeping some for my scrapbooks.
Handwriting is personal, permanent, and precious. I’ve had these notes from my boys for close to 20 years. Finding these notes means so much to me. When I see Nick’s handwriting, joy is tinged with heartache. I’ll never sees Nick’s handwriting as an adult. Sometimes it hits me like a shock and other times it’s a slow painful release.
Just like someone may love flowers, I love receiving notes, letters, and cards. When Stephen gives me a new journal, I ask him to write a note in the front and date it. Seeing his handwriting not only personalizes the gift so I know who gave me that particular journal, but it also reminds me of how far my little boy has come.
These notes are priceless to me. They will go in the family history journals and hopefully makes whoever reads them smile. They can also be framed or immortalized as they now are in a photo.
Everything is finding its place. Items are being honored, kept, donated, given, or thrown away. Giving myself this time is healing. I remember those small hands that wrote these notes with love in my heart and love for them. I’m grateful for the amazing young man Stephen is and the angel I know Nick to be.
What love notes, cards, drawings do you have from someone special in your life?
How will you store or display them?