Simply September
Often a quote will inspire prompts for me to journal from. This image inspired six different possibilities of change, simplicity, or whatever you choose from this beautiful time of year.
How will this month serve you?
Simplicity September:
What has been hanging over you for the summer that you can put aside for just this month.
What is one simple pleasure that you want to bring into this month.
How can you make it happen?
What are the steps to do that?
What space do you need to make?
What doing this one thing mean to you?
What can you simplify
Things on your ‘to do’ list
Smile September:
What is it about September that you love?
What are the happy moments of this month?
How can you bring that into your life?
Who makes you smile/laugh?
How can you connect with that person more?
Look in the mirror.
What lines show up?
How many times this month can you make those smile lines visible.
Self-Love September:
What does self-love mean to you?
How will you that into your life?
What do you love about yourself?
Look in the mirror and give yourself a high five.
What did you love about how you showed up today?
What’s your favorite quality about you!?
How do I extend myself grace?
What do I do for myself and give myself?
Note how you speak to yourself.
What is a loving affirmation that you can say to yourself, write in your journal every day in September.
Sympathy September:
Understanding between people, common feeling
What is a common feeling that you had with someone each day.
Can you connect with that person and understand where they are coming from?
What is a conflict that you would like to understand better?
A conversation?
Write about that conversation and understand from that person’s point of view.
How can you be curious to truly know what they are going through. Where they are coming from?
Can you center that person and listen without judgment or response?
Serenity September:
What does serenity mean to you?
What image/feeling/thought comes up in your mind?
What brings you peace of mind, heart, and spirit?
What do you do to promote a sense of calm in your life?
When moments of chaos pop up this month, how will you create that peace/calm?
What tools will you use?
Who can you reach out to?
What actions or non-actions create that quiet sense of being?
Start-fresh September:
We all think of the New Year as the time to start fresh but September is a huge seasonal shift.
What new beginning do you want to create?
What do you need to clear/let go to make room for this new beginning.
In what space will you create this new beginning?
Who will join you or is this a solo endeavor?
What are the steps to make this happen?
Who, what, where, when, why, how?
How will you feel starting this?
In all choices, how will you use your journal to Support Simply September?