Day 8: Declutter & Clearify
Oh childhood knickknacks. This morning I let go of the ones I’d held onto since I was a little girl in Long Island. They reflect my beautiful family life—a childhood filled with love.
The unicorn reminds us to Set Aside Some Time to Dream. I was an idyllic and dreamy child, who always saw the best in people, loved starring into the sky (day or night), pondering, imagining, wondering, and creating.
An October baby whose stone is Opal: the color of happiness embracing sincerity and joy.
A collector of tiny seashells because the smallest shell fits into the holes where the large shells cannot. The smallest act can have the largest impact. I strive to act from kindness and love.
I am 8 days into five months of releasing, letting go, and removing what served me long ago but no longer need. I feel lighter as I’m reminded of my childlike qualities that make this world a happier place.
What childhood knickknacks remind you of your whimsical, childlike self?