Janine DeTillio Cammarata

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Dream Visits

I’m a big dreamer. By this I mean that when I sleep, I travel the celestial planes, out of this world scenarios, and visit those who are no longer here with me.

I dream all-year-long but my October dreams are richer, more detailed, and filled with visits. Last night I dreamt of Nick. He visited with an urgent message for a friend. When Nick tells me something, I listen and pass on the message.

When Nick passed, I feared I’d never see him again. His first visit was to his little brother and that opened the door to me.

At first he used technology to communicate in my dreams. I’d answer the phone and hear his voice. His face would show up on a video game. He’d let me know that in this waking life, a quick phone call was just him saying hello.

Then there’d be those dreams when I held him as a baby; swaying him back and forth, soft skin, curly hair, coos of joy and contentment.

Nick and Stephen sitting on my lap.

In others, I’d hold his toddler hand sticky from ice cream as we walked down the street.

His teen-self held his crying momma, comforting me with the knowledge that he never left us—just changed form.

On my darkest and most desolate days, my connection to my spirit son has not only kept me going but has led to JOY.

Sweet October Dreams.